Guided meditation with Iona

Intention: to ground and calm the nervous system, drop into your physical body and steady the mind. View similar videos How to unblock your nose naturally without medication Apr 28, 2022 | Body, BreatheHaving a blocked nose disrupts your breathing ands effects your...

Yoga evening flow with Iona

A gentle evening yoga practice promoting relaxation, softening into both body & mind. Allow yourself the time to pause and integrate your day. View similar videos How to unblock your nose naturally without medication Apr 28, 2022 | Body, BreatheHaving a blocked...

Yoga morning flow with Iona

A gentle morning yoga flow to assist in opening and energising the body, with a focus on hips and hamstrings, releasing stagnant energy and welcoming the day ahead. View similar videos How to unblock your nose naturally without medication Apr 28, 2022 | Body,...

Daily practices to remain in natural flow state

Metaphysics mini series. Navigating the 3D world while expanding our consciousness into 4D to 5D. Whatever we focus on and buy into, we give it energy. This energy perpetuates or creates the world we are focusing on. If we want a new earth we need to focus on what we...