Phoenix is a journey of renewal,
balancing the natural flow of life force energy

through the breath’s connection to our consciousness of
for health, wellbeing & Healing
Welcome to Phoenix Holistic Wellness
We are a husband-and-wife team living in Margaret River, Western Australia.
We have always been focussed on health, both mental and physical.
We have believed for many years in natures cures, our ability to heal ourselves using natural products, food, breathwork, movement and the power of the mind.
We always wanted to assist others on the journey of reconnecting to self, nature and to find purpose. We are parents to three daughters and currently have 3 grandchildren.

Your Mind
Our mind is a massive control panel for our lives, and our thoughts are the instructions coming from it. When we can truly master our thoughts, we master our life.
“When we realise how powerful our thoughts are, we will never have a negative thought again”

Your Body
Your body is simply the physical representation of your mind and spirit.
Think of it as an avatar that you control, you can improve and influence all areas of its performance to maximise your avatars potential.
A healthy body is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Your Spirit
Spirituality is something that our ancestors knew led to enlightenment and freedom.
It was as important to them as the air that they breathed.
It is a connection to everything around us. Using the life flow energy that connects all things, through compassion, love, and gratitude for our planet and all that dwell on her, to work in balance for peace and expansion of self.
This is why our practices are offered on a value for value model.
Which means you pay what the treatment is worth to you and what you can afford, as we want everyone to benefit from these practices designed for health & wellbeing but made with unconditional LOVE!