Here is the 2nd video in my mini short video series on metaphysics.

Dimensions are our perception of our life and the world around us depending on what frequency our consciousness resonates with. If you’re newly awakened, I have designed this series to explain the ascension process and our use of metaphysics in easy down to earth explanations. I hope you enjoy.

All our videos are made with love! So please like and subscribe to this new channel and small business that is donation based helping humanities evolution!

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Daily practices to remain in natural flow state

Metaphysics mini series- Navigating the 3D world while expanding our consciousness into 4D to 5D. Whatever we focus on and buy into, we give it energy. This energy perpetuates or creates the world we are focusing on. If we want a new earth we need to focus on what we want not what we don’t want. Daily practices allow us to focus on what we want. Routine of self care is vital at these times. All our videos are made with love!

Expanding consciousness – 3 types of consciousness

Metaphysics mini series – Consciousness
Hi friends and Phoenix family, I have put together a metaphysics mini series for all newly awakened friends that is very down to earth and easy to understand. I explain in this video, the different types of consciousness and it’s effect on our own lives and humanity.
My next short video is on Dimensions the 3rd 4th and 5th!
Love to you all!


This is why our practices are offered on a value for value model.

Which means you pay what the treatment is worth to you and what you can afford, as we want everyone to benefit from these practices designed for health & wellbeing but made with unconditional LOVE!

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